Re: RDFa in rdfa blog and wiki

On 15/1/09 13:36, Wagner, Claudia wrote:
> Hi all,
> I wondered why the blog and the wiki do not expose any RDFa data?
> The wiki (which is a Media Wiki?) could use the RDFa Media Wiki Extension described in
> For the blog the theme could be easily modified to annotate the content with RDFa or/and the Wordpress SIOC Exporter [1] could be used to generate a RDF/XML description of the blog.

Slightly different angle, but I do encourage RDFa folk to take a look at 
see also

This is a wiki that can run from a single locally saved HTML file 
(css/.js etc inline). It can save state locally via file:/// including 
extra files when needed. I installed it via 'wget' and then loading that 
into firefox, and it works fine. First time you use it, the browser will 
let you grant it permission to save files locally.

I reckon something like this but with RDFa could make a really nice 
local db. Data could be stored in RDFa or json or both, querying could 
be done through something like and if 
the persistent form kept semantics explicit (unlike current TiddlyWiki) 
the documents could be easily indexed by other tools. I think 
TiddyWiki's persistent db at the moment is a <pre> with wiki markup, and 
that their notation is close to MediaWiki's. But the on-disk storing 
trick on its own makes this worthy of investigation...




Received on Thursday, 15 January 2009 12:58:18 UTC