Re: HTML+RDFa 1.1 Last Call Draft is Ready

On Jan 29, 2013, at 10:39 AM, Stefan Schumacher <> wrote:

> 3.5 Property Copying
> Now:
> There are times when an author will find that they have many resources ...
> Suggestion 1:
> There are times when authors will find that they have many resources ...
> Note 1:
> Author is singular, they is plural, I vote for plural all over.

Agreed. Fixed.

> Or suggestion 2:
> Out in the 'wild/net' 'there are/you will find' pages with many 
> resources, that share a common set of properties.
> Note 2:
> Here I get rid of my problem makers, the authors again.
> Now:
> For example, a list of music events may have different performance 
> times, but uses the same location, band, and ticket prices.
> Suggestion:
> For example, *several* music events may have different performance 
> times, but *use* the same location, band, and ticket prices.
> Note:
> Now, there is list as singular, music events as plural, the following 
> parts of the sentence use *have* (plural) and *uses* (singular), so one 
> refers to list, one to music events, that sounds a little strange, 
> because the actual subject is 'list of music events'. Now all plural and 
> not probs.


> 3.5.1 First Note
> Now:
> It is advised that a processor carefully track triples
> Suggestion 1:
> It is advised that a processor carefully *tracks* triples
> Suggestion 2:
> A processor should carefully track triples

I went with the following, as many implementations will handle this due to graph triple insertion semantics anyway: "A processor should cease the pattern-copy rule when no unique triples are generated". I also considered "... when no new triples are generated", but that might not be as clear.

> 4. Extension to the HTML5 syntax
> Now:
> All other attributes that RDFa may process, like @href and @src, are 
> only allowed on the elements defined in the HTML5 specification.
> Suggestion:
> All other attributes that RDFa may process, like @href and @src, are 
> only allowed for elements, if the HTML5 specification has defined these 
> attributes for those elements.
> Note: Maybe there is a better way to express it. What should be clearly 
> stated, that only if HTML5 defines (the other RDFa) attributes for 
> elements, it is fine to use them. Now it sounds like, the attributes are 
> allowed for elements defined in HTML5, what means all elements.
> Repeated:
> The same like above in the next list item.

I went with the following: "All other attributes that RDFa may process, such as @hrefand @src, are only allowed when consistent with the content model for that element, as defined in the HTML5 specification".

> Ok, that's it to the end of 4. It's midnight here, so more tomorrow.
> Stefan

Thanks again,


Received on Wednesday, 30 January 2013 19:55:54 UTC