Re: Feedback on RDFa + HTML / Primer re conventional values for @vocab


I have added this to the errata for the primer into:

A new version of the primer should be out sometimes early next year, when HTML5+RDFa becomes final, and will therefore incorporate that note.



On Sep 12, 2012, at 13:59 , Dan Brickley wrote:

> (regarding and
> RDFa Lite deployment in general)
> Migrating here from a G+ conversation with Ivan,
> I said "It would be nice to squeeze in a warning against tricky use of
> vocab URIs, eg. vocab="' ... typeof="erson"
> etc...".
> Ivan Herman12:20 PM: Dan, this should be part of a new version of the
> Primer, not the formal spec… and yes, we should look at this. Any
> wording you can propose?
> Dan Brickley12:27 PM: Hmm something like "The @vocab attribute
> references structured data vocabularies, identified using URIs/URLs.
> This document does not limit the form of these URIs or the document
> formats accessible by de-referencing them; however note that RDFa
> markup SHOULD aim to use widely shared, conventional values for
> identifying such vocabularies, following conventions of case, spelling
> etc. established by their publishers. " ?
> To elaborate:
> The concern is that we ought to have language in a W3C spec somewhere
> (Primer is ok by me, though in a recommendation would be better) that
> strongly discourages clever-clever use of Vocab URIs and terms that
> concatenate to give legitimate term URIs yet don't give you a useful
> vocabulary URI.
> Specifically, I want something we can cite w.r.t.
> deployment that indicates (i) vocab="' ...
> typeof="erson" is not good, while (ii) vocab="' ...
> typeof="Person" is ok.
> I'm not sure exactly how to formulate the problem and wording to
> address it, but hope there is enough here to work with. What I've
> tried to do in the draft text above is to indicate that the publisher
> of the vocabulary is the right party to say how their URLs are
> spelled, structured, etc. I thought this worked better than to try to
> cast things in technical terms such as what you get if you dereference
> the vocab URI. So for example, while 'http://ScHema.ORG:80/' might be
> guaranteed by Web architecture to just be another name for the thing
> whose URI is '', we encourage convergence towards
> the latter, which is the preferred spelling of the Vocab URL/URI from
> its provider. I don't think we need to say explicitly how those
> conventions are documented.
> cheers,
> Dan

Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
mobile: +31-641044153

Received on Thursday, 13 September 2012 11:08:07 UTC