Re: Support for integration with XML is broken

Ivan Herman writes:

> Doesn't DOM have a bunch calls in the form blablaNS? These do not work, afaik. 
Sorry, but my example shows that they _do_ work!

> So yes, you can get the attribute value that happens to have a
> AAA:BBB format. But it does not interpret this.

Yes it does -- see the example!

> This means that an implementation would have to check every
> attribute by
> - looking at the BBB format
> - looking at the AAA:BBB format and check whether there is somewhere an xmlns:AAA attribute up the tree with the right namespace URI...

Not so -- all you have to do is check for .localName=="about", and if
it is, then check for .namespaceURI=="".
Presumably you are already doing the first.  Doing the second iff you
are not in an XHTML document seems a very modest overhead!

> Ie, the whole management of namespace has to be done manually

No, it doesn't.  Please inspect the example again, particularly the
last two lines:

>>> from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
>>> d=parseString("<r xmlns:x='' x:about='#foo'/>")
>>> d.firstChild.getAttributeNode('x:about').localName
>>> d.firstChild.getAttributeNode('x:about').namespaceURI

       Henry S. Thompson, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh
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Received on Thursday, 20 October 2011 15:13:50 UTC