Re: [RDF Interfaces] names for things

On 5/3/2011 11:26 AM, Nathan wrote:
> Ivan Herman wrote:
>> On May 3, 2011, at 18:30 , Nathan wrote:
>>> A couple of issues to touch on:
> Next up.. having some collisions on reserved words in languages:
> - import, have talked it through with a few people and currently 
> thinking addAll is about the best alternative (overloaded on graph to 
> accept a sequence/array of triples too, which is nice), another 
> alternative 'extend' : +/-?

Prototype and jQuery both use 'extend' in a way that isn't really 
consistent with this use.  So it might be confusing for those people.  
addAll seems less confusing (to me).

> - property,, turns out it's heavily used in some 
> languages too, Ivan you'll recognize from python (?) proposal is 
> either 'predicate' -or- i quite like the idea of having Triple.s,p,o 
> instead, do we need to be verbose?

I would provide aliases for both...

> - RDFNode.value - still unsure..
> and a different issue:
> can graph.match return a sequence of triples rather than a Graph? 
> basically so it's lighter, especially w/ indexed graph 
> implementations. My personal gut instinct is to keep the return type 
> of Graph to prevent unexpected functionality, and since pretty much 
> half the time you want a quick sequence to output or suchlike, and the 
> other half of the time you want a Graph to keep on using for some 
> purpose.
> trying to nail as many as these minors before FPWD as possible!
> Best,
> Nathan

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Received on Tuesday, 3 May 2011 19:42:43 UTC