Test Suite reorganization

After discussion with Manu and Ivan, I've made some changes to the way the tests are managed in the rdfa-test-suite. From now on, changes should be made to the single manifest.ttl file [1], where you can specify the specific host languages for which it applies. For right now, anyway, run the merged2variant.rb Ruby script (using Ruby "linkeddata" gem, which sill need to be installed) to update the host language specific manifests.

Eventually (hopefully), the backend can be modified to not require that these be generated manually.

An example TestCase entry looks like the following:

<test-cases/0213> dc:contributor "Ivan Herman";
   dc:title "Datatype generation for a literal with XML content, version 1.1";
   a :TestCase;
   :classification :required;
   :expectedResults "true"^^<xsd:boolean>;
   :hostLanguage <html4-manifest>, <html5-manifest>, <xhtml-manifest>;
   :informationResourceInput <test-cases/0213.html>;
   :informationResourceResults <test-cases/0213.sparql>;
   :purpose "In RDFa 1.1, even if a literal contains XML elements, and no explicit datatype is set, the result is plain literal";
   :specificationReference "N.A." .

This should be easier to maintain than the RDF/XML versions and lead to fewer copy/paste errors.

Note that the input file is always specified with a ".html" extension. It's modified, as appropriate, for each host language.

See the updated README [2].


[1] http://rdfa.digitalbazaar.com/test-suite/manifest.ttl
[2] http://rdfa.digitalbazaar.com/test-suite/README

Received on Wednesday, 16 March 2011 17:48:22 UTC