Prefix and URI questions

In section 7.4 CURIE and URI Processing, either SafeCURIEorCURIEorURI or TERMorCURIEorURI have you process the value as a CURIE and use if valid, and otherwise use as a URI. Test 160 has a property of "xml:test", which in my 1.0 processor did not result in a triple being generated. However, using the processing rule, xml:test ultimately gets used as a URI, and results in a triple being generated. Is this the expected behavior? Or, is there some other validation of a URI I need to perform to prevent this being generated? Nothing I can find in RFC 3986 indicates that xml:test is not a valid URI.

Section 7.5 item 4 indicates that prefixes, whether from @prefix or @xmlns, MUST be converted to lower case. However, XML namespace prefixes are case-sensitive. Test 0123 checks to ensure that this case sensitivity is retained in namespace mappings. I presume that this test is obsoleted by RDFa 1.1, and it's okay to break these dependencies (which were discouraged anyway).


Received on Monday, 3 May 2010 06:52:56 UTC