Re: A rose by any other name is just as thorny...

Just a couple of comments:

Mark Birbeck wrote:
> 1. The upper-case/lower-case issue.
I feel we can work around this.  And, for the record, we had this issue 
in 1.0 too.  We neglected to be specific about whether it was case 
insensitive or not, and got dinged for it.  That's why there is an 
errata about it:

> Section 9.3 defines a collection of "reserved word" values. These 
> values are only interpreted in the context of @rel and @rev. @rel and 
> @rev have been historically defined to be case-insensitive. Section 
> 9.3 does not indicate whether the reserved words are case-sensitive or 
> case-insensitive. However, Section 5.4.4 does mandate that the use of 
> these values are required to be mapped to URIs in the XHTML Vocabulary 
> via fragment identifiers, and fragment identifiers are by definition 
> case-sensitive. For the avoidance of doubt, a Conforming RDFa 
> Processor MUST treat the reserved word values as case-insensitive on 
> input, and MUST transform the values to lower-case when mapping them 
> to URIs in the XHTML Vocabulary. 

> 2. What does @rel="next" in the scope of a new default prefix mean?
> (And if it doesn't mean xhv:next then we're no longer
> backwards-compatible.)
Actually, I disagree.  The current discussion was around ensuring this 
is backward compatible for existing documents.  If I reference a new 
'default vocabulary' then I have switched contexts.  Clearly I am not 
writing an RDFa 1.0 document, I am working in the context of RDFa 1.1.  
New rules apply.  Backward compatibility has to be our first priority.  
But as soon as a document switches contexts, I think the author has 
chosen to by in an RDFa 1.1 world where 'CURIES with no prefix' are 
interpreted as 'terms' in some other vocabulary.

Shane P. McCarron                          Phone: +1 763 786-8160 x120
Managing Director                            Fax: +1 763 786-8180
ApTest Minnesota                            Inet:

Received on Monday, 29 March 2010 14:14:08 UTC