Re: New version of @profile and @vocab

Ok. I am a little bit agnostic about this for the moment. I can see its
usefulness, but I do not have a strong feelings neither pro or con...


PS. The current document has to be modified in the description of the
processing steps, too, because it does rely on having one value per
keyword. This is just to remind myself and the reader:-)

On 2010-3-26 09:41 , Toby Inkster wrote:
> On Fri, 2010-03-26 at 05:51 -0400, Ivan Herman wrote:
>> That I do not understand. Do you mean that the same keyword would
>> automatically generate several URI-s, ie, would generate several
>> triples? This is certainly not the way I envisaged that... 
> Precisely. 
> It's not the way I'd envisaged it either, but if we do end up with
> @profile as an RDFa 1.1 feature, it doesn't seem too difficult to
> implement keywords so that they can expand to multiple URIs.
> I can even imagine something like:
>  @prefix iana:    <> .
>  @prefix rdfa:    <> .
>  @prefix rdfs:    <> .
>  @prefix xhv:     <> .
>  [
>   a rdfa:KeywordMapping ;
>   rdfa:keyword "nextdoc" ;
>   rdfa:uri xhv:next, iana:next, rdfs:seeAlso ;
>   rdfa:reverse_uri xhv:prev , iana:prev , rdfs:seeAlso
>  ] .
> So that this:
>  <a about="doc1" rel="nextdoc" href="doc2">next</a>
> Would generate:
>  @prefix iana:    <> .
>  @prefix rdfs:    <> .
>  @prefix xhv:     <> .
>  <doc1> iana:next <doc2> ;
>   xhv:next <doc2> ;
>   rdfs:seeAlso <doc2> .
>  <doc2> iana:prev <doc1> ;
>   xhv:prev <doc1> ;
>   rdfs:seeAlso <doc1> .


Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
mobile: +31-641044153
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Received on Friday, 26 March 2010 14:08:39 UTC