ISSUE-1 Proposal: RDFa Profiles via the RDFa Vocabulary, bonus: the @map attribute

This proposal outlines another potential implementation of the RDFa
Profiles feature. It also defines @map as preferred to @xmlns, but for a
different reason than the last proposal. The name @map is proposed in
addition to rdfa:alias for extending the "list of mappings". The key
difference is that neither @xmlns nor @map statements can be imported
via the @profile attribute.


* @xmlns is preserved and operates as it normally does in RDFa 1.0.
  @xmlns is no longer required in languages that are namespace-unaware,
  like HTML5.
* A new attribute is introduced called @map. The attribute contains
  a set of key/value mappings. The syntax for map is the same as CSS,
  which will make it easier to use for those already familiar with CSS.
* @xmlns: extends the "list of mappings" in the current element scope
  for languages that support it.
* @map extends the "list of mappings" in the current element scope.
* A new RDFa Vocabulary is created with one term - rdfa:alias.
  rdfa:alias is used to extend the "list of mappings" in documents
  that import RDFa Profile document.


Example of @map in a regular RDFa document:

<div map="dc: ;
   <span property="dc:title">The @map proposal</span>

Example in RDFa Profile document:

<div about="">
   <span property="rdfa:alias">Person</span>
<div about="">
   <span property="rdfa:alias">name</span>

Example in RDFa document that utilizes the Profile document above:

<div profile=""
     about="#manu" typeof="Person">
   <span property="name">Manu Sporny</span>

-- manu

Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny)
President/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: PaySwarming Goes Open Source

Received on Monday, 15 March 2010 03:00:18 UTC