Re: When is equal and when is it nonequal (eg, the IRI interface)

On Wed, 9 Jun 2010 17:44:41 +0200
Ivan Herman <> wrote:

> The problem is as follows. In a package like RDFLib, the equality is
> fairly simple, it is based on the equality of the URIs (let us put,
> for a moment, the issue of IRI vs URI and its encoding aside).
> However, our version of the IRI has two attributes: the 'value' and
> the 'origin'. Ie, to IRI instances that have the same value but
> different origins are different.

'origin' as specified needs fixing. Rather than:


We should have:


That way testing for equivalence between IRIs, Blank nodes and Literals
becomes obvious.

<> rdfs:seeAlso

Toby A Inkster

Received on Wednesday, 9 June 2010 20:55:01 UTC