ISSUE-36: Notice of RDFa Profiles allowing rdfa:vocabulary predicate

Hey folks,

We didn't have enough people on the call today to make a binding
resolution on ISSUE-36. The issue remains open. However, there was text
added to the specification that expresses what we believe to be
consensus at this point:

1. Allow RDFa Profile documents to specify a default vocabulary.
2. Declare the property used to specify a default vocabulary as

The text can be found in step 5 of section 9:

This notification is being sent out because we're bending protocol
slightly in order to publish a more consistent spec on RDFa Profiles. We
would normally like to do a resolution before adding anything to the
specification. However, since we are publishing a Heartbeat draft, if we
left this particular language out, the spec wouldn't hang together as
well as it does with the language included.

That said, there is still plenty of opportunity to remove the language
for any reason when we discuss a binding resolution for ISSUE-36, which
may be as soon as next week.

If you have an issue with the ability of an RDFa Profile document to
change the default vocabulary please let this working group know of you

-- manu

Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny)
President/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
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Received on Thursday, 29 July 2010 16:36:18 UTC