ISSUE-35 (IETF LinkType registry): Consider relationship between LinkTypes in RDFa and the IETF LinkType registry [RDFa 1.1 Core]

ISSUE-35 (IETF LinkType registry): Consider relationship between LinkTypes in RDFa and the IETF LinkType registry [RDFa 1.1 Core]

Raised by: Manu Sporny
On product: RDFa 1.1 Core

The IETF is preparing to setup a LinkType registry. Many of the LinkTypes come from W3C specs. There are a few LinkTypes like 'license' and 'service' that come from other IETF specs.

We should discuss the positive and negative effects of attempting to merge W3C and IETF LinkTypes specified in this registry. Do we want to migrate all LinkTypes in the registry into the XHTML+RDFa and HTML+RDFa specs?

Also note that comparisons are done in a case-insensitive fashion in that spec. This would mean an additional set of LinkTypes that should be generated based on a case-insensitive match. For example, rel="SERvice" should generate a triple if we merge IETF LinkTypes into the XHTML+RDFa spec.

Received on Wednesday, 14 July 2010 15:35:55 UTC