Re: Obsolete tests in RDFa 1.1 Test Suite

Add to that test 0164: Undeclared common prefixes, which also generate valid, if unusual, URIs.


On Dec 14, 2010, at 5:38 PM, Gregg Kellogg wrote:

> Running through the test suites, I came across a number of tests that are obsolete in RDFa 1.1. I suggest we remove the following as they represent obsolete semantics:
> test 0086: NO triple for a non-reserved @rel value, (negative test) – Now generates a triple with default vocabulary
> test 0105: inner @rel neither CURIE nor LinkType – Now generates a triple with default vocabulary
> test 0116: Reserved word used in @property should not generate triple – Now generates a triple with default vocabulary
> test 0123: case sensitivity in prefix names – Prefixes are now case-insensitive
> test 0125: datatype XMLLiteral with other embedded RDFa, (negative test) – XMLLiterals are now deeply parsed
> test 0142: xmlns prefix 'xml' with correct URI – <xml:test> is a legitimate URI
> test 0160: Undeclared prefix 'xml'– <xml:test> is a legitimate URI
> test 0162: Undeclared prefix 'xmlns'– <xmlns:test> is a legitimate URI
> If it's generally agreed that these are no longer legitimate tests for RDFa 1.1, I can remove them from the test manifests. Otherwise, these may require some clarification in the spec.
> Gregg

Received on Wednesday, 15 December 2010 03:15:07 UTC