Re: agenda 12 Feb telecon

* Guus Schreiber <> [2014-02-11 20:07+0100]
> We will have our penultimate telecon tomorrow. Agenda is at:
> Editors: pls check the draft static REC versions [1].

Inspecting Turtle's BNF, I noticed that while addressing DBooth's req for comments describing the numeric characters, I moved an "EXPONENT)" from DOUBLE to STRING_LITERAL_SINGLE_QUOTE:
[21]  DOUBLE  ::=  [+-]? ([0-9]+ '.' [0-9]* EXPONENT | '.' [0-9]+ EXPONENT | [0-9]+
[23]  STRING_LITERAL_SINGLE_QUOTE  ::=  "'" ([^#x27#x5C#xA#xD] | ECHAR | UCHAR)* "'" EXPONENT) /* #x27=' #x5C=\ #xA=new line #xD=carriage return */
]] — <>

I think this is pretty non-controversial so I've fixed this in editors' draft and REC in <>.

More interestingly, I noticed that we deviated from SPARQL's definition of strings 20 months ago when a re-gen of the HTML grammar stripped some ()s, going from:

[157s] STRING_LITERAL_LONG1 ::= "'''" (("'" | "''")? ([^'\] | ECHAR | UCHAR))* "'''"
[158s] STRING_LITERAL_LONG2 ::= '"""' (('"' | '""')? ([^"\] | ECHAR | UCHAR))* '"""'
[25]   STRING_LITERAL_LONG1 ::= "'''" (("'" | "''")?  [^'\] | ECHAR | UCHAR) * "'''"
[26]   STRING_LITERAL_LONG2 ::= '"""' (('"' | '""')?  [^"\] | ECHAR | UCHAR) * '"""'
— <>

In the former language, <s> <p> """ "\u0061 """ . is legal and in the latter, an embedded quote must not be followed by ECHAR (e.g. \") or UCHAR (e.g. \u0061). Unfortunately, this change was pre-Trig so the issue exists there as well.

I looked for tests with long (triple-quoted) strings with one or two quotes followed by a backslash. We have none, but SPARQL does:
data-r2/syntax-sparql1/syntax-lit-17.rq:3:SELECT * WHERE { :x :p '''Long''\\Literal with '\\ single quotes ''' }
data-r2/syntax-sparql1/syntax-lit-20.rq:3:SELECT * WHERE { :x :p """Long""\\Literal with "\\ single quotes""" }

The closest we have is
LITERAL_LONG2_with_1_squote.ttl: <http://a.example/s> <http://a.example/p> """x""y""" .
but the nested ""s can be parsed by taking the longer of alternatives of ('"' | '""').

What to do:

I propose the bold step of restoring the SPARQL grammar, noting that it doesn't change any of our test results.

> Guus
> [1]


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