Re: proposed second reply to Jeremy's comment about named graphs

Excellent answer, as far as I'm concerned.


Le 11/09/2013 22:28, Peter Patel-Schneider a écrit :
> Dear Jeremy:
> This is a second official response to your comment about named graphs in
> and
> The RDF Working Group believes that there are several ways in which RDF
> graphs and datasets are and will be used.  These include ways that fit into
> your use cases, where the graph names denote the graph they name or some
> other formal graph-related construct and where you would indeed say
> something like
> jjc:graph {
>    jjc:graph dc:creator "Jeremy J. Carroll" .
> }
> However, there are also ways that do not fit into your use cases, for
> example where the graph names are IRIs that denote some other entity, such
> as
> jjc:jjc {
>    jjc:jjc rdf:type foaf:Person .
>    jjc:jjc foaf:lastName "Carroll" .
>    jjc:jjc foaf:knows jjc:pfps .
> }
> If the RDF semantics required that all graph names denote graph-related
> constructs this would interfere with these other use cases.  Therefore
> the RDF
> Working Group decided to not so require.
> Further the RDF Working Group was unable to agree on even a weak theory of
> named RDF graphs, such as one conditioned on explicit typing.  Even the
> nature of what graph names might denote was problematic: does the name of an
> RDF graph denote the graph itself, does it denote some other construct that
> is related to the graph, or does it even denote the semantic meaning of the
> graph?
> Therefore the working group has produced a very minimal specification for
> RDF datasets and named graphs that does not depend on denotation.
> This approach produces maximally compatability, but does not produce
> inferences that might be desirable in some use cases.  If you do want
> certain inferences to be part of your approach, such as the first example
> above entailing
>    jjc:graph rdf:type jjc:Graph.
> you can define and implement a particular RDF entailment regime that
> sanctions these inferences.
> The RDF Working Group believes that this minimal approach will allow
> different approaches to named graphs to coexist some allowing what you want
> and others incompatible with what you want.  The flourishing approaches can
> then be considered for standardization at a later time.

Antoine Zimmermann
ISCOD / LSTI - Institut Henri Fayol
École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Étienne
158 cours Fauriel
42023 Saint-Étienne Cedex 2
Tél:+33(0)4 77 42 66 03
Fax:+33(0)4 77 42 66 66

Received on Thursday, 12 September 2013 06:05:48 UTC