Re: rdf semantics test suite setup

On Sat, Sep 28, 2013 at 6:08 PM, Gregg Kellogg <>wrote:

> On Sep 26, 2013, at 4:09 AM, Sandro Hawke <> wrote:
> > The 2004 test suite is described and enumerated here:
> >
> > I've copied the tests themselves (the contents of the last test zipfile
> generated) to mercurial, at
> I created a script to generate a 2013-formatted manifest from the Positive
> and NegativeEntailmentTests in the 2004-test-suite and copy the referenced
> files into,
> including transforming those in RDF/XML format to Turtle.
> [...]
> I also did not copy test:entailmentRules or test:datatypeSupport, as they
> seem to be purely infomational. Again, we could mint new predicates in the
> mf: namespace and transform those as well.

These are not informational, but they do need to be updated to entailment
regimes instead of rule sets.   Different entailment regimes have different

I'll add the entailment regime information (using a new property) and make
necessary changes.


Received on Tuesday, 1 October 2013 22:30:30 UTC