Re: RDF Design (Complaint) FAQ

>> = Why the @-signs in '@prefix' and '@base' in Turtle & TriG but not SPARQL ==
>> * Historically, they're both derived from N3, but SPARQL dropped the @-sign and Turtle didn't.  At this point, there are people using Turtle who don't want to drop the @-sign allowing both might be even more confusing.

@prefix : <http://example/> .

@select * .
@where .
   { ?s :p ?o .
     @optional {?s :q ?o1 } .
     @filter(@lang(?o) = "en") .

The keyword usage comes from SQL -> rdfDB -> squishQL (2001) -> RDQL -> 


On 16/05/13 14:23, Richard Cyganiak wrote:
>> >== Why isn't TriG a subset of SPARQL GroupGraphPattern (+prefix & base) ? ==
> Because it predates SPARQL by several years.

TriG --> 2004-04-03

. Change Log

2005-06-06: Made graph naming optional in order to encode RDF datasets.
2004-04-03: Initial version of this document.

SPARQL --> 2005-02

My answer would be "because they do different things"


Received on Thursday, 16 May 2013 13:54:22 UTC