RE: RDF 1.1 Primer

On Thursday, December 05, 2013 7:30 PM, Guus Schreiber wrote:
> On 05-12-13 17:12, Yves Raimond wrote:
> > On Wed, 2013-12-04 at 19:26 +0100, Markus Lanthaler wrote:
> >>
> >> I think it would be much more inviting if you would use example 11
> >> as first example in section C.2 JSON-LD, then show the context and
> >> mention that it can also be embedded directly in the document and
> >> that prefixes can be used the same way as in Turtle and use the
> >> multiple-graphs example to illustrate it. I've cleaned up the
> >> examples and the context and attached all of them in a single
> >> file.
> >
> > That's a very good point Markus - I think it depends where these
> > examples are in the document. If they stay where they are, as
> > Pierre-Antoine, says, then I think it makes sense in the context of
> > the other examples. If it's earlier in the document (i.e. section 5)
> > then it makes sense. I'd be quite up for that (it originally was
> > there, actually) - Guus, what do you think?
> Yes, I can see the advantage of having a JSON-LD example in Sec. 5. The
> rationale for moving the other examples to an appendix was to keep the
> main text as short as possible (and I don't want readers to have to go
> first through a lot of syntax before getting to Secs. 6-7). For me this
> argument is still more important.

What about moving section 6 before section 5. You can still use the
"abstract syntax" in that section and it would be easier for newcomers to
connect the "rdfs:domain" with the "rdfs:domain" explained in section 4.
Section 7 could be move to the end - or be dropped altogether as it doesn't
provide much valuable information IMO.

> But what about this proposal: we extend the appendix a bit, and discuss
> the JSON-LD examples in the same way as the Turtle/Trig examples:
> explaining line-line-line how it works. In this way the JSON-LD
> appendix becomes a mini-primer for JSON-LD. Come to think of it: we
> might want to do that for RDFa and N-Triples/Quads as ell.

Then we could slightly change section "5 Writing RDF graphs" so that it
talks "Single Graphs" and "Multiple Graphs" (or Datasets) instead of "5.1
Turtle" and "5.2 TriG". The text after Figure 2 in section 5.1 could then be
replaced with the idiomatic JSON-LD example and perhaps also an example in
RDFa. The other single graph syntaxes are just mentioned as you currently do
in section 5.3. "Multiple Graphs" would just show an example in TriG but and
mention the other dataset syntaxes. We could then even go as far as dropping
the long appendix with all the examples... but that probably goes too far
(yeah, I'm still worried about the number of syntaxes we define).

By the way, there's an error in section 6:

    ex:bob foaf:knows ex:alice .
    rdfs:domain foaf:knows foaf:Person .
      ^            ^

It should be
    foaf:knows rdfs:domain foaf:Person .

Markus Lanthaler

Received on Thursday, 5 December 2013 21:20:21 UTC