Re: 6.3 -- proposal for (informal) dataset semantics

On 8 May 2012, at 10:20, Sandro Hawke wrote:

> On Tue, 2012-05-08 at 09:32 -0700, Steve Harris wrote:
>> Sorry, I'm rather behind on mail, just catching up…
> Quite the challenge.   :-/

Yes :-/

>> On 27 Apr 2012, at 11:54, Andy Seaborne wrote:
>>>>   I expect the idea of allowing blank nodes to be used as graph labels
>>>>   to be controversial, but I think it's important for convenience
>>>>   and to clarify the semantics in the face of possible dereference
>>>>   operations.  I understand it presents some issues, including
>>>>   SPARQL compatibility.  I propose we consider this AT RISK through
>>>>   CR and see how those issues pan out.
>>> It is a real shame that this proposal starts by being controversial when there may be much to agree in it.
>>> "AT RISK" at this stage is signalling an open issue.
>>> On the blank nodes,
>>> Can we start where there is most agreement which, as I understand it, is IRIs for labels?
>>> It is then up to those who want bNode for labels to persuade everyone else.
>>> Let's take a strawpoll.
>> Did this strawpoll happen? I agree with Andy. Introducing controversial elements into this at this point isn't particularly helpful.
> I don't think we did that particular strawpoll, but I don't see that as
> a blocking issue -- we can proceed with drafting and flip that bit
> easily, later.   In my drafting since then, I've used neutral language
> on this subject or kept it as an IRI.   

OK, great.

- Steve

> I really don't like making non-unanimous resolutions saying we're never
> going to go into some part of the design space while we're still mostly
> in the dark.   I think I know the lay of the land now, and am trying to
> turn it into an ED.
>   -- Sandro
>> - Steve

Steve Harris, CTO
Garlik, a part of Experian 
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Received on Tuesday, 8 May 2012 17:56:35 UTC