Re: Review: JSON-LD Syntax

On Sun, Jun 17, 2012 at 6:11 PM, Andy Seaborne <> wrote:

> I agree with the intention of of making it accessible to the typical
> JSON application developer, but a narrative without clearly identified
> definitions means that it is difficult to look into the document to
> check specific details.  It is also easily inconsistent as it is not
> clear when differentiating text is being descriptive or definitional.
> Example below.
> I suggest keeping the syntax doc as-is and a separate formal-only
> document (or a separate top level section) for the times when arguing
> over details matters.  Maybe this is a a proper appendix A but I think
> this is more EBNF; it would not be an appendix.

I concur with Andy: the document would benefit from a more spec'y part,
that would be the normative reference.

I forgot to mention that in the comment I just sent, but by reading annex A
(guidelines), I thought that JSON-Schema [1] could be a nice way to
formalize that?



Received on Tuesday, 19 June 2012 16:55:29 UTC