The way we do things in the Semantic Web community (was: Re: Labelled graphs)

On 25 Apr 2012, at 14:48, Sandro Hawke wrote:
> The problem is, I think, that the only way to find out if some design
> works is to convince a lot of people to try it at the same time.   How
> can you do that?  It looks to me like the way we do that in the Semantic
> Web community is to make it a W3C Recommendation (or a least Candidate
> Recommendation).

No. The way we do this in the Semantic Web community is by building stuff *outside* of W3C, and once we've gathered a few years of experience, we bring our experience and our battle-tested designs to W3C so we can find a single good design that interoperates between different vendors and sub-communities.

Yes, there are some documents that carry the W3C Recommendation badge that were created, as you say, for the purpose of finding out whether some design works. These have generally ended up being ugly blemishes on W3C's reputation.

Sandro, if you want to design brand-new stuff and try if it works, then you should change jobs and come work in academia for a while. We get paid to do research!


Received on Wednesday, 25 April 2012 17:57:25 UTC