Re: Labelled graphs

On 2012-04-13, at 11:22, Andy Seaborne wrote:

> What I saw in the concept of "labelled graphs" was that it was a loose association of label and graph in a dataset.  Minimal, and something to build on top of.
> There had, prior to "labelled graphs", been a conversation about what name graph semantics could be and we (I?) concluded there was going to be no single choice we could agree on.


> So no fixed useful semantics as the base case and build on that with additional information to strengthen the meaning of the labelling in the dataset.  Juts make sure RDF-WG devised vocabularies don't conflict.
> <u> { ... }
> with no additional statements is a very weak relationship - either nothing, no implied RDF triples (in some extended RDF with graph literals), just the access to the graph in the dataset or a relationship that has null semantics.
> <u> rdf:label { ... }
> Read that as rdf:aaa to avoid natural language meaning.

I don't get that, but… 

> Semantics are "caveat emptor".  It's up the client to decide what can and can't be done.
> We had some discussion about the additional vocabulary - I have no opinion on class/property choice for that.
> <u> { ... } .
> <u> a rdf:staticGraphContainer .
> means that {...} is the value of (g-snap) of URL <u>.
> <u> { ... } .
> <u> a rdf:Graph .
> means that <u> denotes the graph {...}.
> Ideally, I hope TriG files will have the addition information.  In the base case, which cover current practice, is that they don't and that all
> <u> { ... }
> says is that there is an association in this dataset.  Then build on top of that.


- Steve

Steve Harris, CTO
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Received on Friday, 13 April 2012 10:33:59 UTC