Re: Scope of blank nodes in TriG?

On Fri, 14 Oct 2011 10:45:34 +0100, Ian Davis <> said:

    iand> Example Document 3 in the TriG spec[1] shows the same blank
    iand> node label being used in different graphs. My interpretation
    iand> of the example is that those blank nodes are distinct,
    iand> i.e. the scope of blank node labels is the graph not the
    iand> TriG document. How do the main graph stores behave? Is it
    iand> possible to put the same blank node into two different
    iand> graphs? If so, this information would not be serializable in
    iand> TriG if my interpretation is correct.

I agree with your interpretation. However 4store appears to have
different behaviour here:

    @prefix ex: <>.

    ex:g1 {
      _:s a ex:T

    ex:g2 {
      _:s a ex:T

And this query:

        { GRAPH <> { ?s ?p ?o } } UNION
        { GRAPH <> { ?s ?p ?o } }

Shows the bnodes as having been merged when you run it here:

(note, I converted the TriG document to N-Quads to import it but I
don't think that should matter)


Received on Friday, 14 October 2011 10:46:03 UTC