Re: [TTL] Differences between SPARQL and Turtle.

> I agree with both uses, but I believe that users have come to expect
> numeric escapes to get around language lexing contraints and would
> find the fact that "ab\u0022 parses as a literal a bit of a shock.

There's no uniformity:

Legal Java:
    String x = "ab\u0022 ;
    System.out.println(x) ;


whereas C# allows \u in identifiers, character literals, and regular 
string literals.

Perl uses \x (\u means Titlecase next character)

Python allows \u like \"

C has \xhh

Some languages use \X for anything X to mean X if it's not \n, \t etc.

but that's not the real issue.  It's whether to widen the prefix name 
local name part, regardless of mechanism, and about aligning SPARQL and 

Getting characters into IRIs via prefix names is less of a concern to me 


getting bad characters in.


Received on Sunday, 24 April 2011 19:08:38 UTC