Re: Proposed changes to SPARQL tests

On Nov 2, 2015, at 8:16 AM, Gregg Kellogg <> wrote:
> Greg Williams created the following issues:
> * Update SPARQL 1.1 test suite to align with changes introduced in RDF 1.1:
> * Remove non-official tests from SPARQL 1.1 test suite:
> As not everyone subscribes to the GitHub issues, I wanted to raise these here for discussion.
> #19 is slightly complicated as it really requires a re-alignment between SPARQL and RDF post RDF 1.1. However, this represents what most (all) actual implementations are doing now.

The state of the SPARQL test suite right now is such that all systems that conform to RDF 1.1 cannot pass all tests. I think the choice should be easy that if we’re going to make either old or current-and-future implementations fail, it should be the old ones! I have a PR I’ll be sending soon that fixes this by replacing the two relevant tests with updated RDF 1.1 conformant ones.


Received on Monday, 2 November 2015 16:31:53 UTC