Re: TAP's use of SOAP: HTTP GET or PUT?

> Does TAP's use of SOAP for query make use of the (cachable, URI-linkable
> etc) HTTP GET method, or is it over HTTP POST?
> left me unsure.
> documents SOAP 1.2's HTTP 
> binding, and 
> the oddly named 'SOAP Web Method Feature', which as I understand it is 
> SOAP's way of allowing SOAP services with GET-like semantics to use 
> HTTP's GET method.
> Maybe I should be asking two questions: TAP's GetData in the abstract, 
> vs the Stanford implementation of it...?

By default the TAP toolkit uses POST because we throw around a lot of 
hierarchical queries which are difficult to express in a flat name=value 
format like HTTP GET, but the servers support GET syntax, c.f.

Received on Tuesday, 28 January 2003 16:36:28 UTC