Re: owl:sameAs & commas

> 1. re: owl:sameAs
> Won't you need a relation like "is" or "owl:sameAs" 
> to tell the post-processor what to do?

The thought is that we'd collapse the two oid's together. An example would
be Jennifer Lopez; she's listed as a tap:Musician and a tap:Actor.

> 2. re: commas
> In the MKR context, \ can be used as an ordinary character
> in concept names, so I am reluctant to do \ escapes.
> For example, the "classname" attribute looks like
>     John has classname = John\Person\Animal\Entity\Thing;
> I have been using one escape: "\n" at the end of line
> will continue a quote (enclosed in either single or double
> quote marks) to the next line, and is intended to be interpreted
> as a line feed, as in C.  I have used this for multi-line
> "quotes" to replace RDF <comment> ... </comment>.
> I'm not sure I really want to continue supporting this
> convention.
> Anyway, the comma problem is not a big deal.
> I have no elegant solutions at this time.
> Let's ignore the issue for now.

Okay, works for me :)

Received on Monday, 11 August 2003 16:31:59 UTC