Re: Welcome to the RDF*/SPARQL* mailing list

Hi, my name is Gregg Kellogg. I have worked on a number of different RDF-related specs at W3C, currently serving as an editor of the JSON-LD 1.1 update. I’m also the maintainer of the Ruby RDF suite of tools [2], the Structured Data Linter [3], and my own RDF distiller [4].

I have some concerns about RDF* representation in primitive formats such as N-Triples and N-Quads where we may need a statement identifier to serve as a place holder for a statement itself, in order to keep to the spirit of one-statement-per-line syntaxes.

To Pat’s point, being able to make metadata statements about graphs, in addition to triples, seems important. The fact that graph names don’t denote the graphs they name is unfinished business from RDF 1.1, IMHO. The Notation-3 CG[5]  is up against this as well, where graphs can serve as subject or object of triples, but the relationship with RDF 1.1 named graphs is unclear.


[1] <>
[2] <>
[3] <>
[4] <>
[5] <>

Received on Tuesday, 9 July 2019 20:34:46 UTC