Re: Pedantic note


Thanks for reviewing the text. This issue was very contentious so we
had to be very precise in order to get consensus in the WG. Now that
the WG agrees on the substance of this solution, the editors have
licence to improve the readability of the text.

Concerning the use of iff, I believe we do need the implication in
both directions in order to precisely define these concepts. We are
defining mathematical sets here so we cannot weaken the implication,
otherwise the sets could include more elements.

-- Arthur

On Mon, Feb 1, 2016 at 11:41 AM, Robert Powers <> wrote:
> In the paragraph in 2.1.2 discussed here [1], there are three "if and only
> if" statements. Two of these are when "a SHACL process MUST recognize a
> resource X in the shapes graph." I would argue that the iff in these cases
> should be demoted to just "if". MUST, being a compulsion on the user, would
> be invoked as a consequent but not as an antecedent. Similarly, the third
> iff statement could be weakened to a form "..a resource R in the data graph
> is said to be an instance of the resource X *when* the data graph
> contains.."
> [1]

Received on Thursday, 4 February 2016 16:41:40 UTC