Re: Inheritance and inclusion of types

What I'm seeing below is beginning to look a lot like the patterns used in
ASN.1.   It might be a useful reference to make sure that all bases and
use cases are covered...

On 2/10/14, 11:39 AM, "Sławek Staworko" <> wrote:

>Hi guys,
>With Samuel (and Iovka), we've been working on some clear and intuitive
>notions for type inheritance and inclusion.
>First of all, we believe that since we want to use OO mechanisms
>(inheritance), it is important to respect certain facts that we came to
>expect on a very intuitive level about polymorphic types. For instance,
>if type <C> extends type <A>, then any object that is of type <C> should
>also be of type <A>.
>1) We propose two kinds of types, open and closed. Closed types define
>precisely the contents of a node while open types allow additional
>contents. To make a type open, you add ".." (two dots) at the end of the
>definition, an intuitive notation borrowed from O'caml's row types. For
><A> {
>   :a xsd:string
>   ..
><B> {
>   :a xsd:string
><A> is an open type: any node that has a property "a" and any other
>property (other than "a") are of type <A>. On the other hand <B> is a
>closed type: only node having exactly one property "a" and no other
>property will match its definition.
>2) There are two mechanisms for using one (or more) types as the basis of
>another type: inheritance and inclusion.
>2.a) Inheritance. Only open types can be used as the base for
>inheritance. The newly defined type may be closed or open.
><C> & <A> {
>   :c xsd:string
><C> is a closed type that matches any node with two properties "a" and
>"c" only. 
>Note: The openness requirement ensures that any node having type <C> is
>also of type <A>. On the other hand, extending a closed type would lead
>to a type system that does not follow our intuitions.
>2.b) Inclusion. Only closed types can be used as the base for inclusion.
>The newly defined type may be closed or open.
><D> {
>  &<B>,
>  :d xsd:string
><D> is a closed type that matches any node having the properties "a" and
>Note that inclusion of an open type is essentially equivalent to
><E> {
>   &<A>,
>   :e xsd:string
>is the same as
><E> & <A> {
>   :e xsd:string
>Therefore, it does not need to be prohibited but simply sniffed at... and a
>special sophisticated cleanup tool, ShLintEx(R), will replace such confused
>definitions with correct ones ;)
>2.c) Single-occurrence Shape Expressions. For reasons of unambiguity (and
>complexity) of validating with Shape Expressions, we insist on allowing
>single-occurrence expressions only i.e., expressions using a property
>name exactly once. For instance,
><F> {
>  :a xsd:string*,
>  :b xsd:string,
><G> {
>   :a xsd:string,
>   :a xsd:int
><F> is single-occurrence but <G> is not because the property "a" is used
>While in a number of cases it may still be possible to validate
>efficiently with Shape Expressions that are not single-occurrence, once
>we consider actions, the inherent ambiguity becomes troublesome. For
><H> {
>    :a @<A> @lang{boom($node)},
>    :a @<A> @lang{bam($node)}
>When validating a node with two properties "a" against the type <H>, it
>is not clear which action should be executed on which node.
>The single-occurrence requirements has a number of ramifications on types
>that are constructed with inheritance and inclusion: The newly
>constructed types cannot employ properties used on their path of
>inheritance-inclusion in the inheritance-inclusion graph. The main reason
>is unambiguity of parsing. Additionally, such repetition could be
>confused for an attempt at specialisation
><I> {
>   :a xsd:string?
>   ..
><J> & <I> {
>   :a xsd:string
>What is the meaning of type <J>? Exactly one property "a" or rather one
>or two properties "a" are allowed?
>In a view consistent with the single-occurrence requirement, the ".." can
>be seen as a wildcard that matches all property names except for those
>used in the Shape Expression. Consequently, if we go back to the
><A> {
>   :a xsd:string
>   ..
>then a node having two properties "a" does not satisfy the type <A>.
>3) Unambiguous Shape Expressions. The single-occurrence requirement
>seems, however, too strict. For instance, the expression
><K> {
>  ((:a xsd:string,
>    :b xsd:string*,
>    :c xsd:string) @lang{boom($nodes)}
>  |
>   (:a xsd:string+,
>    :d xsd:string) @lang{bam($nodes)}
>  )
>is not single-occurrence but disambiguating it is not problematic: the
>presence (and absence) of properties "c" and "d" allows to choose the
>right branch of execution. We are currently working on formalising a
>simple requirement that implies unambiguity and generalises
>Please, let us know what you think about it.
>Sławek and Sam (and Iovka)

Received on Tuesday, 11 February 2014 15:11:51 UTC