Re: Suggested charter changes

Hi Jeremy, thanks for your attention on this. I expect to synthesize a
list of proposals along with their proponents and detractors this
weekend. In the mean time, a proposed change below:

* Jeremy J Carroll <> [2014-08-07 06:49-0700]
> In-line +1, -1s … to proposal immediately above
> On Aug 6, 2014, at 1:16 PM, David Booth <> wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > 1. In Section 4 (Deliverables), change:
> > [[
> >  5. Test Suite and/or Validator: to help ensure interoperability
> >  and correct implementation. The group will chose the form of
> >  this deliverable, such as a git repository.
> > ]]
> > to:
> > [[
> >  5. Test Suite, to help ensure interoperability and correct
> >  implementation. The group will chose the location of this
> >  deliverable, such as a git repository.
> > 
> >   6. (OPTIONAL) Reference Validator: a reference implementation
> >  that may be used for non-production purposes to test validation
> >  rules against test data.

6. (OPTIONAL) Validator: a potentially partial implementation that
demonstrates the technology by testing the conformance of validation
rules as well as verifying instance data against those rules.
> > ]]

• removed "reference" because real "reference implementations" can
  have normative bugs.
• added "potentially partial" because the language may have protocol,
  e.g. downloading value sets à la Resource Shapes, that we don't want
  to run on a public endpoint.

• differentiated verifying the expression of the rules from adherence
  of data to those rules.

> > REASON: A test suite is essential; a reference validator would be nice but is not essential.  Also, the previous word was completely unclear able what was meant by "Validator".
> > 
> +1
> > 2. Change "The WG MAY produce a Recommendation for graph normalization." to something like: "OPTIONAL - A Recommendation for normalization/canonicalization of RDF graphs and RDF datasets that are serialized in N-Triples and N-Quads."
> > 
> > REASON: Canonicalization needs to be relative to a serialization in order to be most useful.  Otherwise "canonicalized" RDF may be serialized in multiple ways, and still could not be usefully compared for regression testing or other purposes.
> -1: I think I need to produce my own proposal here; in my view David's wording is slightly worse

proposed in <>
pfps wants normalization struck entirely.

> > 3. In Section 4 (Deliverables), change "OPTIONAL - Compact, human-readable syntax" to "Compact, human-readable syntax", i.e., make it required.
> > 
> > REASON: I think a compact, readable syntax is important.  Writing validation rules in RDF would be simpler than writing them in SPARQL, but still much more tedious than having a concise, compact syntax for expressing them.
> > 
> > 
> +1: I believe Karen has made the case for this deliverable

There seemed to be critical mass behind this at the workshop, but I
expect TopQuadrant and potentially Clark and Parsia will argue against
this deliverable. If there is support, I suspect we'll have to
exlicitly state whether turtle is considered "human-readable".

> (all the editorial comments seemed good to me)


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Received on Thursday, 7 August 2014 19:49:24 UTC