RDF.rb release 1.0.1 and SPARQL release 1.0.2

Shortly after the 1.0 release of RDF.rb and related gems, release 1.1 is out, including pull requests that have been long outstanding:

22898adbfdf3a69fe46640ab33116824e7608969: adds support for RDF::Query::HashPatternNormalizer (from Mark Borkum) to allow for a wider range of patterns to be used for RDF::Query.

a413c4bdd1eeb9d9e02afe8d982af9930646e193: improves support for optional query patterns (from Eric Kidd).

The 1.0.2 release of the SPARQL gem is also released, which improves support for datasets (FROM and FROM NAMED) when the described graphs exist in a repository containing other graphs. This is done through query re-writing, so it does not affect RDF stores which already support SPARQL through implementing RDF::Queryable#query_pattern.

After a long time when issues were not getting sufficient attention, we are now getting back on track. If you have feature requests, or (better yet) pull requests you'd like considered on RDF.rb or a related repository, discuss here, or raise an issue on the appropriate repository in http://github.com/ruby-rdf/

Gregg Kellogg

Received on Friday, 8 February 2013 22:34:34 UTC