New RDFa Profiles document (first pass)

So, I've butchered Shane's initial RDFa Profiles document to pieces, and
potentially Mark's ideas about RDFa Profiles (apologies in advance to
Shane and Mark). The new one can be found here and isn't meant to be
anything but a set of discussion points and proposed mechanisms for the
RDFa Profiles discussion that we will be having in the coming months.
General feedback from the community, or alternate mechanisms, would be nice:

Again, keep in mind that these are discussion points with some suggested
approaches. There are probably a number of issues with this RDFa
Profiles page that will hopefully be teased out via discussion.

-- manu

Manu Sporny
President/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: A Collaborative Distribution Model for Music

Received on Wednesday, 13 May 2009 04:37:51 UTC