embed RDFa --> embed coolness into Yahoo search results

Hey folks,

Yahoo has launched even more RDFa coolness: embed RDFa on your site to
describe your flash games and videos, and they show up embedded in Yahoo
search results *for everyone*, *by default*.


Yahoo provides detailed explanations of how to mark up your content with


Note in particular that, if you want your flash games featured directly
on the Yahoo search results page, your one and only path is RDFa. (For
videos and such, you can use microformats or the de-facto facebook
connect microformat.)

I *really* like how they're guiding folks to mark up RDFa. We should
take this as an example for our FOAF, media, etc... RDFa guidelines.


PS: the only thing that's a bit unfortunate is that they didn't reuse
Digital Bazaar's media vocabulary. I hope we can find a way to create
equivalences at some point... that's the goal of RDF, after all.

Received on Monday, 16 March 2009 18:47:52 UTC