Re: an alternative for microformat-like simplicity

Ben Adida wrote:
> The overall amount of work should be pretty much the same.
>> 1. A comformant RDFa processor is required to dereference the URI
>>, extract the RDF data there,
> No, definitely not proposing that :)

Good! :-)

>> 2. But, if that is _not_ the case, ie, RDFa processors are not required
>> to do all that, then I do not understand what the proposal really brings
>> that is not, in theory, part of the RDF/OWL infrastructure as of today.
> The only change is to allow for setting a default CURIE prefix that
> allows you to interpret rel="email"

Ah. O.k., I can buy that. But then all the other discussion about OWL
and others is irrelevant, isn't it? I mean: it is irrelevant with
respect to RDFa... it just the general SW architecture.


Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
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Received on Tuesday, 21 July 2009 12:48:44 UTC