S5+RDFa + attribution to multiple people

Hi Ben,

I'm working on implementing RDFa encoding for presentation-related
information into S5 template and have a huge desire to include and promote
licensing information as part of this.

I was doing implementation with attribution to multiple people and had hard
time making it recognized by a deed page.

When I just use two cc:attributionName and two cc:attributionURL to
represent two people, deed page just concatenates two values separating them
with commas for each pair and obviously this makes bogus URL.

It's probably not a way it should be done and some object property like
"cc:attributedTo" should be used instead (which in turn has single values
for cc:attributionName and single value for cc:attributionURL or similar
attributes, maybe even foaf:name and foaf:homepage) to mark both authors of
the work.

Unfortunately, I couldn't find an object property like this in CC vocab (
http://creativecommons.org/schema.rdf) and there is no explanation how to
attribute work to multiple people.

Also, it'll be great if there was some validator that would be able to tell
a user if his/her HTML is properly marked with CC using RDFa and show
identified properties.

P.S. Is there any group/list I should be asking these CC+RDFa related


On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 11:54 PM, Ben Adida <ben@adida.net> wrote:

> Sergey Chernyshev wrote:
> > Dan posted good links to Creative
> > Commons case studies, but they don't talk about any tools that consumes
> > this data.
> We do have tools that consume RDFa :)
> First is the deed itself. If you go to
>  http://ben.adida.net/
> and click on the license in the footer, you'll see that the Deed says to
> "give attribution to Ben Adida [link]", what we do is look at RDFa in
> the referrer URL.
> There's more coming down the pipe with the CC Network, I'll keep the
> list posted.
> -Ben

Sergey Chernyshev

Received on Sunday, 4 January 2009 05:34:26 UTC