RDFa without using xmlns:

Hello all,

I have put together a page demonstrating extracting RDFa  without using 
xmlns: attributes.

see: http://weborganics.co.uk/demo/rdfa.html

How it works is a little bit of json is parsed along with the page that 
describes the prefix matches. The parser (Transformr) finds the json 
data using an auto discovery link in the head of the page using 

see: http://weborganics.co.uk/demo/prefixes.json

The reason why I have added this feature is because it works well in 
HTML, json is super easy to parse (an well supported),  some people are 
not happy using xmlns: attributes so this gives them an alternative and 
I think it may help decide what format @profile should maybe be in 
should it ever be introduced in future versions of RDFa.


Martin McEvoy

WebOrganics http://weborganics.co.uk/
Add to address book: http://transformr.co.uk/hcard/http://weborganics.co.uk/

Received on Monday, 7 December 2009 18:16:21 UTC