Re: Jena/ bug when processing URNs

Manu Sporny wrote:

> Hmm... that's a bit strange. Anybody know the thought process behind
> that decision? For example, that would mean that this:
> and this
> HTTP://
> while being canonically the same, would fail in any sort of RDF-based
> comparison?

I imagine that it's to make things easier to implement. Especially  
given that the URIs used in RDF may well use URI schemes that had not  
even been envisaged when RDF was invented. Should all RDF processors  
need to know that tel:+441632790123 and tel:+44-1623-790123 are  
equivalent? Given the vast number of different URI schemes (see  
<>) with new schemes being  
standardised all the time, it would be impractical for RDF  
implementations to be required to recognise equivalent URIs.

Toby A Inkster

Received on Thursday, 18 September 2008 21:35:44 UTC