Re: RDFa and Microformats

I'm going to grumble a little further down this thread, please let
strike me a positive note here first (well, 90% at least) :

2008/9/12 Dan Brickley <>:
> Toby A Inkster wrote:
>> RDFa is "just" a representation of RDF. And microformats can already be
>> parsed as RDF - that's the point of GRDDL. Despite the fact that XSLT is a
>> horrible, horrible abomination, I think that GRDDL, not RDFa, is probably
>> the best hope for bringing microformats into the "upper case Semantic Web".
>> I believe Microformats and RDFa can happily co-exist.


They both have
>> different syntaxes, but once you've converted them both to the abstract RDF
>> model, you can use pretty simple rules to combine the data from each.

Yup, just merge subgraphs.

>> aim to strive towards should be: different syntaxes, separate parsing
>> models, but at the end one data model.


> That's exactly my view too.
> I guess in practice we'll also need an "HTML Tidy" step to get things into a
> GRDDL-ready markup.

Pragmatically now, yes, but looking ahead relatively arbitrary
clean-up algorithms break the direct producer-consumer communication
path for data. I don't personally think that will scale, given the
accumulation of provenance information/multiple graphs (if you want to
trust the stuff) or the Chinese Whispers effect if you don't track it.
Errors are inevitable, but I believe we should lean towards accurate
communications when given the choice.



Received on Sunday, 14 September 2008 23:35:14 UTC