Re: RDFa with multiple CURIEs as property..

Hi Svante,

Good to see this is progressing. :)

But I have to ask, why do you think this feature is *not* useful?

And more to the point, even if you don't like it, why would you go to
the effort of *removing* it, given that it is a feature that is
already provided?

Is there some reason that ODF cannot support multiple values in @property?



On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 10:59 AM, Svante Schubert
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> I was wondering about the possibility of @property having multiple CURIEs
> As when I look into the RDFa spec
> It seems possible that there are statements using the same RDF subject and
> RDF object (literal text), but allowing multiple predicates, which does not
> seem useful on the first glance to me.
> @about
>   a URIorSafeCURIE, used for stating what the data is about (a 'subject' in
> RDF terminology);
> @property
>   a whitespace separated list of CURIEs, used for expressing relationships
> between a subject and some literal text (also a 'predicate');
> As the OpenDocument 1.2 specification is reusing a subset of RDFa, I am
> thinking about a limitation in regard of xhtml:property using only one
> Hope you have a great week,
> Svante

Mark Birbeck, webBackplane

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Received on Friday, 31 October 2008 11:32:36 UTC