Re: foaf:sha1 property with img src=

Hi Daniel,

> I ran into a similar issue when I was trying to convert my FOAF file into a
> prose XHTML+RDFa document. My problem was, how can I link to an image, but
> also specify the thumbnail version of that image?
> <#me>
>     foaf:depiction     <me.jpg>.
> <me.jpg>
>     foaf:thumbnail    <me-thumb.jpg>.
> It seems like the answer would be the same for both of them. It's a shame I
> can't just put a span inside of <img/>.

This is why @src was made to act like @about and not @resource/@href.
The mark-up you want is this:

  <div about="#me">
    <span rel="foaf:depiction">
      <img src="me.jpg" rel="foaf:thumbnail" resource="me-thumb.jpg" />

By the way, in XHTML 2 @href can appear on any element, and represents
a navigable link. So you might actually reverse what you are saying,
and say t hat the thumbnail is a depiction of you, and that it is a
'thumbnail of' the larger picture:

  <div about="#me">
    <span rel="foaf:depiction">
      <img src="me-thumb.jpg" rev="foaf:thumbnail" href="me.jpg" />

Now the smaller image shows inline in the document, and clicking on it
would yield the larger image.



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Received on Monday, 31 March 2008 12:21:48 UTC