Re: What format must an RDFa extractor service emit?

Shane McCarron wrote:
> I was attempting to implement a web service interface to the Perl
> extractor I wrote so I could test it using our test tools.  However, I
> wanted my service to emit N3.  I like N3.  Its simple.  Sadly, it does
> not seem as if N3 can be used by the automated tests we have...  so the
> obvious questions are:
>    1. What format does the test harness expect an extractor to emit?

The test harness expects the extractor to emit RDF XML.

>    2. Where is this requirement documented?

On a sticky note attached to the top-right of my monitor, buried under a
sticky note exclaiming "update librdfa implementation!", which is buried
under a sticky note stating "reply to Michael's mounting list of IMs and


Where would you like me to place the text specifying the requirement? I
could put it on the same page as the test harness.

>    3. Is it reasonable for us to require a specific format since RDF
>       seems to permit a myriad of them?

Right now RDF XML is the only thing that works because the SPARQL
services assume that the SPARQL query will be against RDF XML. In other
words - that's the only option we have, currently.

-- manu

Manu Sporny
President/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: RDFa Basics in 8 minutes (video)

Received on Monday, 10 March 2008 01:36:50 UTC