GetN3 Bookmarklet, and subject processing

I've been trying out the RDFa GetN3 bookmarklet [1] and have a
question about an example I pulled from the Syntax and Processing doc
[2]. Basically I put this html up at

  <head><title>Jo's Friends and Family Blog</title></head>
    <p instanceof="cal:Vevent">
      I'm holding
      <span property="cal:summary">
        one last summer Barbecue
      <span property="cal:dtstart" content="20070916T1600-0500"
        September 16th at 4pm

I directed my browser there and then clicked on the GetN3 bookmarklet
and got the following triples:

_:n0 <>
<> .
_:n0 <> "
        one last summer Barbecue
      " .
_:n0 <>
"20070916T1600-0500"^^<> .

I was expecting the subjects to be <>
instead of blank nodes (_:n0). Perhaps I am misinterpreting the
processing instructions?

# the [base] is set to either the URL of the document or the value
specified in the base element, if present;
# the [parent subject] is set to the [base] value;


When triples are created they will always be in relation to a subject
resource which is provided either by [new subject] (if there are rules
on the current element that have set a subject) or [parent subject],
as passed in via the [evaluation context].

Or maybe GetN3 needs to account for this step in the processing?



Received on Friday, 22 February 2008 16:42:18 UTC