Re: RDFa Question, Clarification

> I think I posed  my question wrong
> What I mean Is I DON'T want to reference ANY namespaces.
> The reason why I ask this question Is because In the Microformats
> Community one of the FIRST thing's that you learn is that Namespaces for
> Content  has failed and should be avoided, so much so that even
> discussing namespaces in Microformats is a "Taboo" subject.
> see:
> Which is confusing to to people who publish Microformats and are
> Considering RDFa as an enhancement or replacement.

A bit of a hack, but you can get much the same behavior with this:

Somewhere, this declaration:

<author property=''>Norman</author>

But I somehow doubt this will ever be considered a best practice. :-)

Received on Wednesday, 20 August 2008 19:04:29 UTC