Re: RDFa Syntax document technical issues

On 9/14/07, Ben Adida <> wrote:
> Shane McCarron wrote:
> >
> >   2. Manu mentioned that xml:base should work.  I think we resolved
> >      that it cannot.  Can someone confirm that?
> xml:base does not affect the links in @href in XHTML1.1, and browsers
> behave accordingly (they ignore xml:base), so we can't override that
> with RDFa. We certainly can't say that xml:base affects @about but
> somehow not @href.

Just to be clear; was it agreed that the base element in head will be
intrepreted to the same affect in XHTML 1.1? So that:

        <base href="" />
        <div about="#me">
            <span property="foaf:givenname">Niklas</span>
            <a rel="foaf:homepage" href="/niklas">


        foaf:givenname "Niklas";
        foaf:homepage <> .

? I believe so.. (Which implies that base will be peeked at RDFa
process startup.)

Best regards,

Received on Friday, 14 September 2007 11:46:26 UTC