Ann: RDFa2RDF proxy

Hello All

Ive "hacked" together a RDFa2RDF proxy using Luke Arno's hatom2atom
proxy as an engine, Instead of parsing hAtom to Atom, it parses RDFa to
RDF output using Fabien Gandon's RDFa2RDF stylesheet.

A working example can be found at

or you can do something like

The app is a Python/flup/scgi server like the original.
The source and a readme on how to get it going on a
linux/apache/lighttpd setup. is available at the following urls

I accept no credit for the engine itself as it is largely unchanged from
hAtom2Atom, I just did the conversion to RDFa to RDF. 

In my opinion its just a handy tool to test your rdfa on.

It will probably be better when Fabien's style sheet is in sync with
current proposals.

Have Fun 

Martin McEvoy

Received on Friday, 7 September 2007 01:15:45 UTC