Re: @about/@instanceof discussion

Ivan Herman wrote:
> And, in fact, that is the point. I believe (no proof, though) that we
> _can_ express anything we really want in RDFa whichever way we move with
> @instanceof

Not entirely true, I think.

Try to express the following:

"I know a person named Ralph"

with Manu's rules and a true unnamed bnode... remember you were the one
who brought up a version of this use case with BibTex authors for which
you didn't want to have provide a URI.

Here's how I would write it with my rules. Note that I'm using what I
consider to be *clear* markup rather than *minimal* markup. I never want
to actually use every attribute on a single element if I can help it:

<div about="#me">

  <div rel="foaf:knows" instanceof="foaf:Person">
     <span property="foaf:name">Ralph</span>



Received on Friday, 2 November 2007 15:51:18 UTC