Re: first pass implementation of Mark's chaining rules

Ivan Herman wrote:
> Ben,
> I have also implemented the parser (not installed yet, only on my
> machine) but I do not know what the exact rules for @instanceof are, so
> that is still missing. Can you give me a succinct, procedural definition?

My read of Mark's rules is  that @instanceof always applies to the
"subject". There are only two cases:

<span about="#me" instanceof="foaf:Person" ....>

applies to #me no matter what other attributes are around. (Note that
#me may complete a hanging-rel, but that's independent of @instanceof.)

<span instanceof="foo:bar">

applies to a new bnode corresponding to the <span>, and there may be a
hanging-rel completion with that new bnode as the object. It's important
to note that it's a NEW bnode, meaning that two spans, each with its own
@instanceof, will correspond to two bnodes, both of which may complete a
hanging rel (thus creating two objects for that rel.)

In both cases, the subject of contained HTML and additional attributes
on the same element is set to the subject of the @instanceof.

If you take a look at my test file and how my code parses it, all
examples mentioned above are covered.


Received on Wednesday, 5 December 2007 15:07:30 UTC