RE: RDF/A triples without PCDATA


The following should work:

      <meta property="dc:creator">Bob DuCharme</meta>

      <meta about="#r1" xmlns:wh="http://whatever/ns/xyz">
        <meta property="wh:foo" content="3.4"/>
        <meta property="wh:bar" content="off"/>
        <meta property="wh:foobar" content="2006-04-01"/>
    <body />





Mark Birbeck
CEO Ltd.

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> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of 
> DuCharme, Bob (LNG-CHO)
> Sent: 16 March 2006 18:21
> To: Steven Pemberton
> Cc: Ben Adida;
> Subject: RE: RDF/A triples without PCDATA
> Steven Pemberton wrote:
> >If your <meta> is in the <head> then it is by default 
> non-visible, and
> in that 
> >case there is no effective difference between
> >
> >	<meta property="dc:creator" content="Bob DuCharme"/> and
> >	<meta property="dc:creator">Bob DuCharme</meta>
> Thanks Steven. I'll posit a use case to make the typical kind 
> of thing I'm thinking of clearer. Let's say that there's a 
> recipe inside of <div id="r1"></div> somewhere in an XHTML 2 
> document, and I want to store workflow-related information 
> about that recipe in that document: I want to record that 
> that recipe has a foo value of 3.4, a bar value of "off", and 
> a foobar value of 2006-04-01. My first impulse is to put the 
> following somewhere,
> <div about="#r1" xmlns:wh="http://whatever/ns/xyz">
>   <meta property="wh:foo" content="3.4"/>
>   <meta property="wh:bar" content="off"/>
>   <meta property="wh:foobar" content="2006-04-01"/>  </div>
> but it looks like the XHTML 2 head element can't have a div 
> element as a child. I'm assuming that storing them inside of 
> the div[@id="r1"] element is one option, and I'd like to see 
> the best way to do that, but would like to throw into my use 
> case that the system owners want to see the metadata about 
> the various document components pieces (multiple recipes, 
> pictures, etc.) stored in one place in the document. Would it 
> make more sense to store the div element above in the body, 
> or to store three meta elements with the same @about value in 
> the head, or am I completely off track? 
> As with any data technology where there is a lot of 
> flexibility, I think it's best to at least lay out some best 
> practices as a model for people to follow so that we can 
> start accumulating instances of that data.
> Thanks,
> Bob

Received on Friday, 17 March 2006 13:36:56 UTC